
Why Paul is a Socialist*


* when writing unit tests


blog adaption of my notes on unit testing.

Testers of the system, unit [sic]! You have nothing to lose but your (mock dependency) chains!

…in which we discover unit test philosophy and enlightenment. And may end up on a list for googling the communist manifesto.


Like most software development terminology, [unit testing is] very ill-defined, and I see confusion can often occur when people think that it’s more tightly defined than it actually is.

Martin Fowler

We need a common language for conversation. These are my own definitions.

Term Definition
unit system that loses its identity and function when divided
interface defined set of messages a unit accepts and emits
inputs messages sent to the unit e.g. intake queues, runtime stack
outputs messages sent from the unit e.g. output queues, runtime stack, includes exceptions
unit client system that sends messages to or receives messages from the unit
side effects any unit-affected change that is observable outside its defined interface, e.g. I/O
dependency an external system the unit relies on to do work e.g. other units via message, the system clock
system under test (SUT) set of units tested together; the set can be singular
unit test program that executes and observes a SUT
solitary unit test a unit test with isolated dependencies and inputs
sociable unit test a unit test that relies on other units to fulfill some behavior
mock a stand-in object for a dependency or input; for purposes of this page, mocks are automatically generated via DSL or framework and provide an API to make assertions on data it observes
integration test test that observes side effects
functional test test with user-visible effects and assertions
pure function function or sub-routine with no side effects; the outputs are determined entirely by the inputs


The fundamental question

Should a unit test’s scope be identical to the named unit under test, or is the unit better understood as “system under test” - unit plus dependencies?

Two schools prefer Solitary and Sociable unit tests, respectively.

Martin Fowler calls these the mockist and classic styles.

See section Why Paul is a Socialist.

The Solitary Tester

The solitary tester asserts the unit under test should be observed in isolation with explicitly controlled inputs, outputs, and dependencies.
They believe it is possible to consistently layer abstractions to facilitate this style of testing.
Ergo, tests should prefer mocking out all dependencies and inputs.



The Sociable Tester

The sociable tester asserts it is better to include production code dependencies in a test rather than depend on an anemic approximation of the production code.
They believe nothing is a substitute for production dependencies.
Ergo, tests should default to executing production dependencies as much as possible, with mock implementations used as-needed to address execution time and side effect concerns.



Why Paul is a Socialist

Units are not units

The fundamental difference between the two styles is one of unit scope.

The solitary tester asserts:

  1. Given unit A with a production dependency on B_1 (A -> B_1) …
  2. Dependency B_2 - a mock - is sufficiently representative of B_1 behavior that …
  3. Tests for system A -> B_2 yield inferences about system A -> B_1

The sociable tester asserts:

Mocks create an illusion of functional purity that does not exist in the real world.

But, but …

Is B_1 execution time slow?
If not, a deterministic B_1 is not inferior to a mock. Mocking out pure data or pure functions is as performative as it gets from both a practical and theoretical view.

Integration, End-To-End Tests, Functional tests

Relying on end-to-end tests to cover the unintended blind spots created by mock-heavy unit tests is problematic.

  1. Integration and functional tests tend to be slow, killing cycle time.
  2. In practice, integration and functional tests are often an anemic after thought.


A fast set of “unit” tests that overlaps integration and functional test use cases is more valuable than a fast set of “unit” tests that only test pure functional properties.

YAGNI - Ya Ain’t Gonna Need It

A common argument against testing dependency code in unit tests is it encourages leaky abstractions. This is a fair criticism and where such implementation dependence impacts test reliability and speed, I believe it is worth providing a substitute implementation.

Outside that constraint, abstraction for the sake of it is performative.


Your mock object is a joke; that object is mocking you. For needing it.

Rich Hickey, JVM Languages Summit 2008

[Tests that heavily rely on mocks] are reliable and fast, but they tend to “lock in” implementation, making refactoring difficult, and they have to be supplemented with broad tests. It’s also easy to make poor-quality tests that are hard to read, or end up only testing themselves.

James Shore, Testing Without Mocks

Mock alternatives

For performance or test reliability, it’s not always possible to use production code in unit tests. What should be done when this is the case?


For an alternative to mocks, see Nullables in Testing Without Mocks. These are typically hand-crafted and do not rely on a mocking framework. Instead they require carefully constructed interfaces around side effects.

Side-effecting dependencies (clients for DBs, queues, workflow engines, etc) write all their logic with a narrowly defined interface abstracting the external system. There are two implementations of that interface

Some might even call this a mock.

The important differences from a mock are:


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