Thanks to some prodding from Jozef Wagner, I reworked the solution to use Clojure reducers for the combine step.
Speedup now nearly scales linearly with processor count.
Guy Lewis Steele’s Wordsplit and the Reducers -
in which we applied GLS’ algorithm on clojure.core.reducers/fold
and learned some limitations.
We then used some trickery to batch-reduce text sections on fork/join and successfully split text in parallel.
But the final concatenation of segments was lazy. Realizing that laziness was costly, so costly as to nearly negate all parallel performance gains.
Realizing the laziness when combining segments in the fork/join pool caused a lot of memory thrashing. To fix, we replace the combine with a reducers/cat.
(defn wordstate->words [{:keys [s l m r] :as word-state}]
- (condp = (type word-state)
- Chunk (maybe-word s)
- Segment (concat (maybe-word l) m (maybe-word r))))
+ (reduce into []
+ (condp = (type word-state)
+ Chunk (maybe-word s)
+ Segment (reduce r/cat [(maybe-word l)
+ m
+ (maybe-word r)]))))
(defmethod plus [Segment Segment] [^Segment a ^Segment b]
(segment (.-l a)
- (vec (concat (.-m a)
- (maybe-word (str (.-r a) (.-l b)))
- (.-m b)))
+ (reduce r/cat [(.-m a)
+ (maybe-word (str (.-r a) (.-l b)))
+ (.-m b)])
(.-r b)))
(defn string->wordstate [^Pattern re ^String s]
(let [splits (str/split s re)
splitcount (count splits)]
(if (= 0 splitcount)
(let [last-split (nth splits (dec splitcount))
end-match? (not= (.lastIndexOf s ^String last-split)
(- (count s) (count last-split)))]
(if (and (= 1 splitcount) (not end-match?))
(chunk last-split)
(segment (first splits)
(->> (subvec splits 1 (- splitcount (if end-match? 0 1)))
- (remove str/blank?))
+ (r/remove str/blank?)
+ (into [])
(if end-match? "" last-split)))))))
There was also a change to foldstr of marginal performance value. Here is the full diff. (update second diff)
;; Test Setup:
;; amd64 Linux 3.2.0-52-generic, 6-cores
;; Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 23.21-b01
;; Runtime arguments: -XX:-UseConcMarkSweepGC -Xmx8G
;; note: caution when testing on leiningen,
;; use :jvm-opts ^:replace [...]
(require '[criterium.core :refer :all])
(require '[pmbauer.text.generator :refer [corpus]])
;; avg word length = (1 + 16) / 2 = 8.5
;; avg space length = (1 + 2) / 2 = 1.5
;; avg length of text = (avg word length + avg space length) * nr of words
;; at 16 bits per word 1 million words is 16 * ~10 * 1 million = ~19MB
(def text (corpus 1000000))
(bench (def splits (into [] (split #"\s" text))))
;; => Evaluation count : 300 in 60 samples of 5 calls.
;; Execution time sample mean : 243.860320 ms
;; Execution time mean : 243.865287 ms
;; Execution time sample std-deviation : 1.094317 ms
;; Execution time std-deviation : 1.104638 ms
;; Execution time lower quantile : 242.080905 ms ( 2.5%)
;; Execution time upper quantile : 246.585706 ms (97.5%)
;; Overhead used : 1.121332 ns
(bench (def splits (psplit #"\s" text)))
;; => Evaluation count : 960 in 60 samples of 16 calls.
;; Execution time sample mean : 63.050636 ms
;; Execution time mean : 63.057317 ms
;; Execution time sample std-deviation : 1.186007 ms
;; Execution time std-deviation : 1.204245 ms
;; Execution time lower quantile : 61.012374 ms ( 2.5%)
;; Execution time upper quantile : 65.952893 ms (97.5%)
;; Overhead used : 1.121332 ns
;; note: psplit returns a vector, split returns a lazy seq
Previously, we lost almost all speedup due to serially realizing lazy seqs and intermediate combines. With GLS’ monoid and reducers, we gain a parallel speedup.
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email comments to paul@bauer.codes